Nice, 4th World Smart City, uses 3D IGO

3D IGO tools are used for the Smart City experimentation

Nice, ranked among the top five global smart cities (as ranked by Juniper Research 2015), is to live out eco-environment favorable to innovation and emulation. 

The territory is covered by a large volume of data georeferenced 2D and 3D and the city selected the IGO solutions for the implementation of a 3D web platform for dissemination and data administration of its Geographic Information System (GIS).

Evolutive, la plateforme fédératrice de données permet de répondre aux besoins constants d’aide à la décision (->en interne) et de promotion territoriale (->en externe).
Evolutive, the platform federating data can meet the on-going needs of decision support (->internally) and territorial development (->externally). 

Thus the 3D platform is used in various experiments “Smart City” of the Smart City Innovation Center, including the Urban Environmental Monitoring. 


To know more...

Read the following articles:

  • linkpage:;name:Nice, 4ème ville Smart City au monde, ranked Juniper Research 2015,
  • link page:;name:Ouverture d’un Smart City Innovation Center in Nice, section Digital Factory in November 2015
  • link page:;name:le Monitoring Urbain Environnemental, press kit of IMREDD

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